☽ The 2nd nemesis < 7

It might kill you.

The unveiling of the company of Heaven.

Once you acknowledge that power, you will yearn more. You will want to become the most mighty magickian in the game (or something like that...).

The second enemy will appear when it's time for you to pay your dues. You actually have no choice on this one: you must let it be taken. If you try to keep both the fee and the reward, you will lose both.

This is serious. Be prepared to pay the price if you want to advance. Or you will be stuck in the loop (wheel) again.

The goal is to trick your mind into not being wrecked when you let go of things you once cared about. It's all an illusion; reality is not what you think you know.

If you trust the process, you will connect all the dots later and realize your hero's journey, and how it was the way it was supposed to be.

If you fail, your existence gets dissolved (e.g., you might become an NPC).

💡 You can ALWAYS find a new, unexpected source of complete bliss and gratitude. It's an infinite set; don't let your mind trick you.

🏆 Attain יְסוֹד.

✅ Tested.

Last updated