🗺️The Hubble Chart (THC)

The Hubble chart is a two-dimensional representation of the sky projected to Earth, and it encodes the game of $CHOICE's configuration at a given input spacetime coordinate.

The Hubble chart is a snapshot of a moment in the game. It's a planar image of the cipher that encodes the data of every variable in the game's algorithm at a given spacetime coordinates.

Looking at the Universe as a 3D sphere around Earth, this sphere can be divided into 12 slices of 30°, representing the 12 major astronomical constellations.

Each of these slices is named locus (also known as "house" in classic astrology). Each locus conveys one of the 12 themes representing human existence and experience in the game of $CHOICES. We explore the 12 Loci in detail in this chapter.

Looking at THC in the context of the hero's journey narrative: each of these 12 loci is one of the 12 adventures, leveling up counterclockwise from the first locus (also known as house or town).

Did you know? The Hubble Space Telescope, a renowned research tool, is a space telescope that was launched into low Earth orbit in 1990.

The Hubble Constant is a hard-coded constant in the Universe, that is part of the Hubble Law, an empirical theory that shows how the Universe expands at speeds proportional to the distances.

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