August'22: Rare Millenial Conjunction

by Papeza

On 08/02/22, we see a rare generational conjunction of Uranus + Mars + the North Node at 18 degrees in Taurus, in which a similar impact was seen ~3000 years ago.

  • North Node will expand with restrictions (think Jupiter marries Saturn, or "Wheel of Fortune", or the head of the Dragon).

  • Uranus is all the bad/good luck in the world in an unexpected way (think serendipitous sudden changes, or Aquarius vibes).

  • Mars is the good ol' aggression/yang energy warrior (think forceful movement, or cardinal/catalytic Fire, or ofc Aries vibes).

  • With Δ3 degrees, Saturn is squaring everyone 😱 (and conjunct to White Lilith).

Why Taurus is 😬 here

  • Mars is exile in Taurus, which means being in the one sign that you are not "very comfortable", or like on "foreign lands". What is the meaning of it (if all) in this context, we all will be able to learn soon.

  • Taurus represents fixed earthy resources.

  • Uncertain correlation: its ruler, Venus, is also at 18 degrees, but not making any relevant aspect (which might be kinda positive, helping things out, but unsure).

How rare is it?

  • The rarity of this combination at 18 degrees in Taurus is ~3000 years, which can be estimated by simply multiplying the planets' returning times (revolution period):

    • Uranus: 84.01 years

    • Mars: 1.88 years

    • North Node: ~19 years

  • Without such exact conjunction, the rarity of them all chillin' in Taurus can be estimated by simply checking how long a planet spends in each sign (or, at minimum, around 120 years):

    • Uranus: 7 years in a sign

    • Mars: 6-7 weeks in a sign

    • North Node: 18 months in a sign

Other uncertain correlations (advanced)

We are curious to see how these are going to play out:

  • Sun is conjunct to Vertex (think a portal for a new person) and ceres (cycles, change of fortunes). All in Leo.

  • Sun trining Jupiter and Chiron (think "being helped"/expanded by Jupiter and accelerating healing with Chiron).

  • Path of fortune opposed to Leo, in Aquarius.

  • Moon in Virgo, which is being trined/helped by Pluto and opposed by Juno (female guardian angel and also the shade of Pluto; Juno is also conjunct to Neptune). Cute.

Chart details

  • The chart configuration for the exact time of this conjunction (you can ignore houses number and As/Mc/Ic!) is shown below.

  • For beginners:

    1. Look at where the "planets" are (which sign, angle, and what's around).

    2. Look at the type of lines among them: trines, square, opposition (don't worry yet about how many delta degrees, you will create your own intuition with experience).

    3. Ignore the symbols or objects you don't recognize. Stick with the planets you know the symbol for now (this is advanced stuff).

Last updated