♄ Saturn

The Great Teacher

Astronomical data


Length of day

10.7 hours

Length of year

29 Earth years


53 confirmed, 29 provisional


36,183.7 miles (58,232 kilometers)

NASA info

Number of satellites


Astrological data


Semi-stochastic influences

Affects the player's responsibilities, structure, restrictions, discipline, ambition.

Time in each constellation

2-3 Years

Teams ruled

Capricorn and Aquarius


Saturn is the third sphere of divine activity, called Binah - Understanding or Intelligence.


In the Major Arcana, the order of the Golden Dawn assigned Saturn to The World. Other suitable cards: the Hermit, Fortune, the Emperor, Death, or The Devil. Among the Minor Arcana, Saturn is assigned to 3. Since the restrictions of Saturn fall hardest on the element air, the three of swords is unfavorable. With the other elements, Saturn consolidates its power: three of coins (earth) is Material Works, the three of cups (water) is Abundance, and the three of wands (fire) is Established Strength.

Last updated